Monday, 19 November 2018


This week I began trying to prototype my game, the main aspects i was trying to prototype was the look and feel of the game. I created the terrain and added in a grass and rock material and a black road like material that I will be using for the roads. I also added in the trees and grass to make it look more real. I had a long browse on the assets store to try and find a skybox I thought would fit with my game and picked a bright colourful sunny one which I think fits nicely especially  because of the fact I wanted it to look like a city and this particular skybox has buildings in the background.
I also spent a while trying to decide what size the car should be in comparison to the roads. I think most of it looks well but there are some things that i visioned looking slightly different that I'm not completely figuring out yet.

My game so far.

I want it to look more colourful, with it really popping out how bright it is which I am finding slightly difficult as when I try and brighten the skybox everything goes white. I'm currently unsure if this is because of me needing another look at the skybox tutorial because I'm doing it wrong or whether I need a different one all together. I also wanted the road material to look smoother and more road like but for some reason its unity isn't giving me the option to change the metallic or smoothness of the material when I add it to the terrain. The final issue I'm currently having is that in the console errors I have the same error appearing 999+ times that appeared after I made the C# script for the car and main camera and I really have no idea what the issue is as on visual studio the code is perfect and everything works the way I want it to. I'm just weary to continue and let issues build up.

I'm actually really enjoying creating my game so far and it's really rewarding when something you've spent a while trying to look nice or work properly works. In relation to meeting my targets I think I'm a little bit behind as I thought my game would be further along but I'm going to really work this week and get large chuck done!

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