Friday, 12 October 2018

Growth Mindset:Multiple Intelligence

This week I watched Multiple Intelligence  by Mark Bennett, I found the video really interesting and enjoyed watching it. I found it very useful learning about The growth Mindset in Week one so I thought it would benefit me to try and continue learning about it. I never knew that researchers had identified 8 different types of intelligence or that there where so many components that make up each of these intelligences. I like this thought process as it appreciates the fact that people are intelligent in different ways and that all the different intelligence's work best together. What I understood from this short animation was that just because your intelligent in one form doesn't mean your more or less intelligent than somebody else who strives in  other things. For example just because schools teach you that linguistic and mathematical intelligence is the most important, you really need more than just those to be successful and there are so many skills that you can work on developing and improving on!

There are Multiple Intelligences 

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